  • 期刊


The Effects of Using Artistic Activities on Improving Depression and Self-Esteem among Older People in Long-Term Care Institutes


背景:長照機構老人的憂鬱及自尊影響其健康與生活品質。目的:探討藝術創作活動改善長照機構老人憂鬱和提升自尊之成效。方法:採「雙組前後測設計」類實驗研究,立意取樣,採簡易心智狀態量表(Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, SPMSQ)得分≥6分,且老年憂鬱量表簡明版(Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form, GDS-SF)得分≥5分有憂鬱傾向之65歲以上長照機構老人參與本研究,共收案55位。實驗組29人參與六週藝術創作活動,一週二次,每次約一小時,共計12次;對照組26人,則參與機構一般活動。以結構式問卷及活動過程觀察紀錄表收集資料。結果:經六週介入,實驗組於介入前後,憂鬱及自尊之差異均達統計差異(p=.000),對照組前後測之憂鬱及自尊之差異則未達統計差異。藝術創作活動後,實驗組的憂鬱改善及自尊提升均顯著優於對照組(p<.01)。本研究結果顯示,藝術創作可改善憂鬱及提升自尊。結論/實務應用:藝術創作活動有益於老人的心理健康,護理實務結合藝術創作活動,可增進護理措施之多元、獨特及創新性。


長照機構 老人 藝術創作 憂鬱 自尊


Background: Depression and self‐esteem affects the health and quality of life of the elderly who live in long‐term care institutes. Purpose: This study examined the effects of artistic activities on reducing the depression and improving the self-esteem of elderly living in long‐term care institutes. Methods: This was a quasi‐experimental study. A purposive sampling strategy was used to select 55 subjects who were aged 65 and above with intact mental functions and depression tendencies and currently residing in long‐term care institutes in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Twenty‐nine subjects who participated in a selection of 12 artistic activities (1 hour/session, 2 times/week for 6 weeks) were assigned to the experimental group and 26 subjects who adhered to their ordinary activities were allocated to the control group. Structured questionnaires and descriptive charts of the artistic group were used for data collection. The statistical analyses included an independent‐sample t‐test, paired t‐test, Chi‐square test, and ANCOVA (analysis of covariance). Results: The results showed that the 6‐week program of artistic activities significantly reduced depression and improved self‐esteem (p = .000) while the changes in depression and self‐esteem in the control group did not reach significant difference. Moreover, the improvement in depression and self‐esteem in the experimental group was superior to the improvement in the control group (p < .01). Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Artistic activities benefit the mental health of the elderly. Incorporating artistic activities into nursing care may help develop geriatric nursing into a more diverse, unique, and innovative direction.


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