

近年來由於行動科技發展迅速,舉凡手機、平板電腦等所使用的服務大多為採雲端架構所建置,也因此改變了原有資訊服務方式,在雲端服務中的四個角色(使用者、客戶、服務提供者、供應商)互相帶來的影響日益遽增。觀察過往所發生的重大雲端事件,如Amazon雲端主機停擺、Apple Siri語音助理系統品質不佳、以及Microsoft與Google的資料外洩事件,可以了解這已不再是企業把本身的人員、設備、服務管理完善即可的時代,而是須將雲端服務中的每一個角色納入考量,才得以將雲端服務品質提升。因此,本文將基於服務水準管理的概念,提出雲端環境所適用的服務水準管理架構,以期讓服務提供者參考此架構,除了保護本身該有的權益,也保障對方該有的服務水準,以達到使用者、客戶、服務提供者、以及供應商多贏互惠的局面。


Due to the rising of mobile technologies and cloud computing, the operation model of information technology service had become different than before. The impacts among user, customer, service provider, and vendor will be heavier. With some events related to cloud computing such the crashed of Amazon servers, unstable status of Apple Siri, and the information leakage occurred by Microsoft and Google, we could know the operation model of cloud computing service should include the whole roles as user, customer, service provider, and vendor. In this article, we proposed a conception of service level management within cloud computing service environment. The whole picture not only focuses on each role to enhancing their rights, but also makes guarantee to every role within this service line.
