  • 期刊


The Impact of Loan-Words on Ad Attitudes in Marketing Strategy




This research attempts to explore the moderating roles of consumer brand familiarity and regulatory focus in the impact of "loan-words" which is a factor of marketing strategy on consumer's advertising attitudes. Specifically, this research is designed to examine the interaction effects of brand familiarity, regulatory focus and, loan -words on consumers' advertising attitudes. It is predicted that the presence or absence of loan-words in advertisements has a significant effect on consumers' advertising attitudes. Customers are likely to engender more positive advertising attitudes on the ads with loan-words than the ads without loan-words. Moreover, it is predicted that consumers are likely to engender positive advertising attitudes for the ads with loan-words, regardless of brand familiarity. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that, compared with prevention-focused consumers, promotion-focused consumers have more positive advertising attitudes on the ads with loan-words. On the contrary, prevention-focused consumers tend to engender more positive advertising attitudes for the ads without loan-words than those with loan-words. In addition, promotion-focused consumers with higher brand familiarity are likely to engender more positive advertising attitudes for the ads with loan-words than those without loan-words. In contrast, for preventive-focused consumers with higher brand familiarity, the availability of loan-words fails to affect consumer advertising attitudes. On the contrary, promotion-focused consumers with lower brand familiarity are likely to engender more positive advertising attitudes for the ads with loan -words than those without loan-words. In contrast, preventive-focused consumers with lower brand familiarity, the ads without loan-words tend to engender more positive advertising attitudes than those with loan-words.


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