  • 期刊


Market Structure and Quality Incentive of Taiwan's Residential Long-Term Institutions




Previously, the Senior Citizens Welfare Act only allowed nursing homes with less than 50 beds to operate for profit, while others had to operate as non-profit institutions. Although size or ownership restrictions prevented providers' from becoming monopolistic, it also mitigated their ability to pursue higher service quality. Therefore, in 2018, for profit institutions w ere allowed to enter the market; however, supply incentive for the market was still weak. A review of relevant literature shows that nursing homes can benefit from economies of scale. Therefore, expanding their scale can reduce the cost of providing high-quality services. Moreover, sufficient market information could reduce the monopolistic power of providers and release the necessary of scale and ownership restrictions. The primary mechanism for accreditation to improve quality is to disclose information regarding care quality. The disclosure of nursing homes' care quality can facilitate consumers' smart decision, thereby inducing market competition. However, accreditation may enhance top-ranking providers' monopolistic ability to raise prices and thus the assessment of care quality should reflect the clinical outcomes of care.


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