  • 期刊


Value Creation and Income Inequality in Taiwan's Apple Supply Chain: The Mediating Effect of Technical Efficiency




This empirical research utilized stochastic frontier production function and iterated seemingly unrelated regression model to investigate the relationship between value creation (value added) and income distribution in Taiwan. Empirical studies wer e conducted on Taiwan's Apple supply chain. Major findings include the followings. (1) The average technical efficiency was 0.675 suggesting a room of efficiency improvement of 32.5% for the industry. The output elasticity respect to labor was significantly higher than labor income share suggesting that labor income did not properly correspond to their contribution in the production activity. (2) Both value-added and the mediating effect of technical efficiency were positively related to income distribution respect to capital but negatively related to labor income distribution. (3) The US-China trade war had enhanced the technical efficiency of the industry in Taiwan as a result of the global relocating strategy. However, it did not mitigate the income distribution problem in the supply chain.


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