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From Historial Narrative to Digtal Narrative: The Case Study of Rainy Kee-long's chellenge in Taiwanese ACG Content Industry


台灣工作室Erotes Studio的「雨港基隆」是台灣第一個以二二八歷史敘事為主題的單機遊戲。「雨港基隆」遊戲試圖透過「美少女遊戲」(GAL GAME)的形式,將二二八事件的認知轉換到玩家在遊戲虛擬載體中的經歷體驗。本文試圖從遊戲本身對二二八事件結構的情節路線設計、動漫社群的認同文化與社會接受、商業遊戲的自由經濟市場獲利與發現歷史的自我探索等向度,分析「雨港基隆」首締成功的原因,以及未來持續以二二八事件內容為創作核心,在數位遊戲市場所可能遇到的尷尬處境—遊戲創作者原寓意玩家在遊戲體驗所發展的「我們的歷史」,終究不抵「美少女」遊戲本身的本質—一切都只是電子遊戲所提供的虛擬戀愛冒險。這個尷尬點出「雨港基隆」雖然提供以二二八敘事深化台灣數位休閒娛樂產業商品的可能性,但也帶來「我們的歷史」的認同對內容產業對應內容自身可開發的知識經濟效應的質疑與挑戰。


"Rainy Kee-long" is the first Taiwanese PC Game inspired by the 228 Event . The PC programe designer "Erotes Studio" expects their Game Players to develop their congnitions as "our history" about the 228 Event through "Rainy Kee-long". But it also impacts a fatasic love story to build the player's experiences in the 228 Event. The historical narrative of 228 Event deepen the content of "Rainy Kee-long", but the digtal narrative of GAL GAME also solidifies the essence of the game as a fantastic love adventure. There will be a dilemma for the player to have his experiences about 228 Event as "our history" or "my fantastic love adventure".
