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Effects of Percussion Exercise on Neuromuscular Function in Elderly People


目的:台灣已經進入高齡化社會,如何維持與促進中高齡者身體活動能力與健康是重要課題,而打鼓運動是結合音樂與身體運動的模式,不同於傳統運動,是否有助於高齡者身體活動能力尚未被研究,因此本研究想探討打鼓運動訓練介入,對於中高齡者是否有增進神經肌肉功能的效益。方法:本研究招募16位60-75歲之中高齡者為研究對象,參加為期八週的打鼓運動訓練。所有研究對象都進行八週前後雙手的協調性、反應能力,以及平衡測驗,協調性測驗包含輕拍盤子測試(Plate Tapping)與陳氏手眼協調選擇反應測驗,反應能力測驗使用聲光反應測驗,平衡測試使用功能性前伸測試(functional reach test,FRT)。以相依樣本t-test比較兩組組內之前、後測各變相的差異。結果:打鼓運動組在收縮壓(p=.001)與舒張壓(p=.015)、安靜心跳率(p=.003)、陳氏手眼協調選擇反應測驗之慣用手(p=.019)與非慣用手(p=.042)、輕拍盤子測試之慣用手(p=.000)與非慣用手(p=.001)皆呈現進步。結論:八周打鼓運動訓練能提高體循環功能與心肺功能,對高齡者的手眼與大腦之間的反射作用也具有改善效果,因而增加大腦對肌肉的控制能力,改善協調性,因此打鼓運動也可以當作中高齡者運動保健的另一選擇。


動作能力 打擊樂 節奏


Purpose: Taiwan has already been to an aging sociality. It is very important to promote health and take care of the elderly people. Percussion training is a new approach to promote the health of the elderly because of the unique combination of melody and physical ability. However, there is no study to investigate the effects of the percussion training on the elderly. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of percussion training on neuromuscular function in the elderly. Methods: 16 volunteers participated in this study (age range: 60-75 years old). Participants attended to a 90-minuets percussion training course once a week for 8 weeks. All participants received the pre- and post- training measurements of coordination, reaction, balance tests. Tests for coordination included Plate Tapping test and Chen's hand-eye coordination test. Sound-light reactor was used for the reaction and functional reach test (FRT) was used for the balance. For statistic analysis, independent t-test was used to compare the difference of the pre- and post- training measurements in the individual group. Results: Significant differences of the pre- and post- measurements were noted such as systolic blood pressure (p=.001), diastolic blood pressure (p=.015), resting heart rate (p=.003)、Chen's hand-eye coordination test for dominant hand (p=.019) and non-dominant hand (p=.042), Plate tapping test for dominant hand (p=.019) and non-dominant hand (p=.001). Conclusions: The study indicated that Percussion training is a good exercise activity for promoting health in the elderly people in the improvement of cardiovascular function and eye-hand coordination. The mechanism of improvement may be due to the increasing reflex reactive ability to control skeletal-muscular system.


Physical ability Percussion exercise Rhythm
