  • 期刊


The Analysis of Foot Pressure in Badminton Forehand and Backhand Services


發球是羽球比賽開始重要的基本技術。發球的好與壞直接影響下一拍的主動性。站姿是發球動作基礎的一環,所以不同的發球方式與站姿,應要有密切地配合,才能使發球動作連貫。目的:探討正拍與反拍發球時持拍同側腳及未持拍同側腳分別在前足、足弓及足跟分區上壓力分佈差異以及壓力中心走向。方法:以8名國小高年級羽球選手為對象,透過Medilogic測力鞋墊(60Hz)及其分析軟體(Medilogic 3.8版)配合高速攝影機(JVC-9800,60Hz),以Medilogic系統內建FAp-video軟體同步紀錄動作,並以魏可遜符號等級檢定考驗正拍與反拍發球動作足底重心變化之差異性,統計水準定為α=.05。結果:正拍發球出手前重心落在持拍同側腳,出手後重心落在未持拍同側腳;反拍發球則重心落在持拍同側腳。結論:表示足底壓力分佈的確與持拍動作相關,建議體育教師需加強發球腳步與持拍動作訓練。


發球 測力鞋墊 壓力中心


Serving is an important technique in the beginning of badminton contest. It directly affects the activity of the next movement. The standing pose is the basis of serving. Players have to serve with appropriate standing pose in order to keep serving movements consistent. This study aimed to explore the differences of pressure distribution and trends of the center of pressure (COP) on prolegs, foot archs and heels, respectively, while serving with forehand and backhands. Methods: Eight senior graders of elementary school badminton players were the subjects. We used Medilogic measurement insoles (60Hz), Medilogic measurement system (V3.8), high speed video camera (JVC-9800, 60Hz), and the Medilogic built-in FAP-video software. In the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test, we measured the differences of the switch of pressure on the foot soles with forehand and backhand servings. The criteria was α=.05. As a result, before forehand serving, the pressure was on the foot in the same side, but, after forehand serving, the pressure was on the other foot. Nevertheless, with backhand serving, the pressure was on the foot in the same side. The conclusion was that the distribution of pressure on foot soles was definitely related to the ways players hold their rockets. Teachers were suggested to reinforce the trainings of foot movements and holding rockets.


serve foot pressure vertical force


