  • 期刊


The Effect of Cooling Vest on Body Temperature and Humidity




氣候 熱傷害 冷卻背心


Purpose: Wearing the cooling vest to measure the change of skin temperature and humidity. Methods: The participant took part in two different intensity activities to compare the change of skin temperature and humidity wearing a cooling vest with fan and PCM. We combined the temperature and humidity sensor to collect the data. The descriptive statistics were used. Results: In high intensity activity, the skin temperature and humidity with cooling vest were lower than control clothes. In low intensity activity, the result did not change. Conclusions: The cooling vest had better effect than control vest when in high intensity activity. Future: Most athletes exercise or train in hot environment, it will increase loss of water. If we can wear the cooling vest, it will reduce lots of moisture loss. Regulate the body water and temperature may enhance the exercise performance.


climate exertional heat illness cooling vest


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