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Analysis of the dynamic standing postural ability on sagittal plane in athletes


目的:前後方向不穩定平衡台晃動對人體矢狀面站姿平衡能力之影響,尚無明確的探究與釐清。本研究目的為探討25度不穩定平衡台產生的前後晃動刺激,對不同專項運動選手動態站姿平衡能力的維持,有何影響?方法:研究對象以日本愛知縣中京大學體育學院體育學系不同專項運動選手男性健康大學生30名,分為足球(n=10)、游泳(n=10)及體操(n=10)等三項。不穩定平衡台為自行設計之單軸平衡台,受試者雙腳赤足自然併攏站立於台高10公分之鋁合鋼製平衡板(40cm×40cm)上,平衡台水平中心軸以不鏽鋼棒與軸承固定平衡台,接受連續10次的平衡量測。量測項目為平衡維持時間(balance keeping time; BKT)、角速度變化值(change of angular velocity; A.V.)及頭部晃動加速度(acceleration of the head sway; H.A.)等三項計測。量測獲得資料,以單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)考驗組間各項量測水準,並以杜凱法事後比較,考驗組間的各項差異。顯著水準設定為α=.05。結果:體操(3.39 ± 0.67秒)與足球選手(3.17 ± 0.58秒)的BKT成績是優於游泳選手(2.42 ± 0.51秒),及角速度變化值與頭部加速度方面,其體操與足球選手的成績都小於游泳選手,且都有達到顯著水準。結論:25度矢狀面不穩定平衡台的使用與量測足球、游泳與體操等專項運動選手站姿平衡能力的結果,期能提供教練與選手在平衡適能評估、運動技術應用及作為運動復健等研究議題上的參考。


Purpose: The effects of standing postural balance ability on sagittal plane with A/P direction of unstable platform rotation in human is rarely documented. The purpose of this work was to determine a 25-degree unstable platform around 25 degrees rotating stimulation to impact of keeping dynamic standing balance ability in athletes. Methods: Thirty healthy male undergraduate students at Department of Physical Education of Chukyo University Japan participated in this experiment, they were recruited from soccer player (N=10), swimmer (n=10) and gymnast (n=10). All participants were required to stand barefoot comfortably on a customized unstable platform that consisted of a 40cm×40cm aluminum-steel plat to fix over 10cm on a base plat with a pivot bearing. They all had to complete 10 trials on an unstable platform. In order to record the change of angular velocity (A.V.) of platform during the trials, the goniometer was installed on the tip of horizontal pivot. In addition, the accelerometer was attached on the forehead to determine the acceleration of head sway (H.A.). After standing on the platform, participant pushed the start button with right hand to keep balance at the horizontal condition. The digital stop watch machine started to record the balance keeping time (BKT) immediately right after the hand was released from the button. Data were tested to check for normality and were analyzed by using the one factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine whether significant differences exist among the effects of groups. When the ANOVA indicated that individual factor was significant among the groups, Tukey’s post-hoc test were employed. Significant level was set at α=.05 for all analyses. Results: showed that the BKT of gymnast (3.39 ± 0.67sec) and soccer player (3.17 ± 0.58sec) were significant larger than swimmer (2.42 ± 0.51sec). The RMS values of change velocity, however, and the acceleration of head sway in gymnast and soccer player were significant smaller than swimmer. Conclusions: These results imply that using the 25 degree of unstable platform as sagittal plane is a useful balance measurement method to understand different athlete’s balancing characteristics. This study also suggests that A/P dynamic standing balancing task may be of use to the physical fitness and rehabilitation research in the future.


黃漢年、蘇明耀、賈叢林、山本髙司(2011)。四周不穩定檯面訓練對動態平衡能力及 停止訓練後保留效果之研究。運動生理暨體能學報。13,47-57。
