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New Explanation on 'Dang Kou': The Influence of "Xin Dang Kou Zhi" on Japanese Thoughts of 'the State System' and 'Shen Feng' as well as the Author, Shieh, Shueh-Yu's Political Ideal




蕩寇志 謝雪漁 國體 神風 桃花源


In Year 11 of Zhao-He (1936), a historical story ”Xin Dang Kou Zhi” (a new version of Eliminating Bandits) written by a Taiwanese writer, Shieh, Shueh-Yu, was published in the newspaper ”Taiwan Ri Ri Xin Daily News.” This new version of Eliminating Bandits was a Sequel of an earlier historical story ”Dang Kou Zhi” written by Yu, Wan-Chun.The focusin ”Xin Dang Kou Zhi” followed the main themes of maintaining imperial power and eliminating bandits in ”Dang Kou Zhi.” But under the influence of colonial rule, the author changed the part of loyalty to Chinese emperor to loyalty to Japanese emperor, inspired by a historical event of ”Invading Japan by Yuan Army.” Meanwhile, the author added in ”Xin Dang Kou Zhi” more propaganda to support Japanese idea of ”Shen Guo.”In this article, the author first explores the meaning of the word ”Kou” in ”Xin Dang Kuo Zhi” since ”Kuo” is a Chinese character used by both Chinese and Japanese. In addition to the bandits who violate the social order, the word ”Kou” in fact means ”Yuan Bandits” (Army from Yuan Dynasty). Secondly, the author also explores Shieh, Shueh-Yu's political ideal through ”Xin Dang Kou Zhi,” such as repecting Japanese emporer, as well as Shieh's following the format of traditional Chinese novels and using a writing technique ”dislocation” to develop the storyline in ”Xin Dang Kou Zhi.”In the novel, Shieh tried to describe how Japanese ”Shen Feng” were similar to ”Yuan Bandits” and defeated the army from Yuan Dynasty twice in order to boost Japanese self-estem to support Japanese invasion to other countries during the years of Zhao-He. Finally in this article, the author points out that Hsteh, Hsueh-Yu facing the reality of Japanese colonial rule and pursuing the cultural memory of China, wished to see the build of a ”Garden of Peach trees” (utopia). It is rather obvious that the motive for Shieh, who was under great influence of Japanese militarism, was to support Japanese invasion to reach the goal of reforming East Asian countries.


Dang Kou Zhi Shieh Shueh-Yu state system Shen Feng utopia
