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From "Genuine Temperament" to "Kind Morality" -- on the Genuineness and Kindness in Yuan Hongda’s Literary Ideology




袁宏道 性靈 性情 公安派 真詩


Yuan Hongdao put forward a literature theory of "only conveying natural disposition and intelligence and not sticking to any form". Though he did not clearly define "natural disposition and intelligence", later generation can detect from the literature theory he advocated, his letters and his works that it is almost equal to temperament. That is to say, the "genuineness" that natural disposition and intelligence stressed means genuineness of temperament. But we have to ask that how Yuan Hongdao could made possible people’s achievement in kindness when he advocated temperament? Therefore, many literature theories about Gong’an School either highlight its genuine temperament or assume that it is a literature emancipation theory that denies Confucianism. But both of them did not answer the question about the relation between "genuineness" and "kindness" in Gong'an School literature theory. This article holds that Yuan Hongdao’s literature concept possesses not only orientation of kindnessin morality, also its exposition of kindnessis supported and accomplished by the" genuineness" of temperament. In this way, it is a natural trend for Yuan Hongdao to be intense in showing feelings in his early years and then become inclined to Confucian poem school later. "Genuineness" and "kindness" can be harmoniously reconciled in Yuan Hongdao’s concept, which can be understood in his early proposition of "only conveying natural disposition and intelligence and not sticking to any form". As a result, a final conclusion can be reached that the inherent logic in Yuan Hongdao’s early and later stage is consistent.
