  • 期刊


Aboriginal and Han People in Classrooms: Discourse Styles between Teachers and Young Children with Different Ethnic Backgrounds




This study explored classroom discourses between teachers and young children with different ethnic groups, adopting an ethnographic approach as the qualitative method. Data were collected from (1) a Han teacher and aboriginal children in a Paiwan tribe; and (2) a Painanese teacher and Han children in a Han area. The results indicated that in the class of the Han teacher, the discourse styles of the aboriginal children included short sentences and interpolating Paiwanese nouns. The aboriginal children were unfamiliar with speaking alone in front of people, and multiple children spoke over each other in group situations. If the aboriginal children had varied media, such as their own drawings, they could express themselves; when they discussed their daily lives based on these drawings, other children frequently participated, generating a story that varied between reality and fabrication. However, the Han teacher tended to pull the children back to reality. By contrast, the discourse style of the aboriginal teacher in the Han area included unique syntax, a topic-associating style, and interpolated Hokenese. Most of the questions asked were open-type questions. It was unclear if those questions were meant to allow the children to explore the intentions of the teacher; little context and few hints were provided for such questions, causing the children to randomly guess the answers. If the questions related to the experiences of the children, the aboriginal teacher provided them opportunities for social construction and peer scaffolding. Moreover, the discourses of the aboriginal teacher in the Han area were frequently over-extended or tangential; thus, the answers to such questions were postponed, or no conclusions were provided.


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