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What Science Have You Read? Developing and Investigating a Diagnostic Tool for Evaluating Science News Reading Memory




In the current technological society, science news is a crucial mediator between people and developing science and technology. Among the various types of science news, compiled science news is the main source from which the latest scientific information from abroad is introduced. Compiled science news, which combines narrative and expository texts, is a unique type of scientific information. Because scientific information is increasingly prevalent, the manner in which people read and remember science news can affect the development and maturity of a technological society. This study explored students' reading memory and style as well as the factors influencing reading by applying a developed diagnostic tool in combination with free recall tasks and interviews. The results revealed that the motivation of interest is the main factor affecting student monitoring of science news. When readers maintain more complete textual structures in their mind, they can more efficiently master the scientific knowledge and grasp complete concepts from the compiled science news.


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