  • 期刊


Large-Scale Survey of the Elementary School Mandarin Achievements of Children From New-Immigrant Families


本研究旨在透過大規模抽樣和利用標準化工具施測,以比較新移民子女與非新移民子女國語文學習成就表現差異。研究對象為100 學年度在學之四、六年級新移民子女,並以非新移民子女為對照。經分層叢集抽樣,四年級新移民子女樣本數為4,001 人、非新移民樣本數7,835 人;六年級新移民子女樣本數為4,017 人、非新移民樣本數9,772 人。研究工具為國語文成就測驗與背景問卷,正式施測後,藉由樣本加權使其接近母群體,並以Jackknife 方法估計新移民子女與非新移民子女學習表現標準誤,再計算其信賴區間,檢視學習表現是否達統計上顯著差異。研究結果發現,就讀四、六年級新移民子女之國語文學習表現,顯著地低於非新移民子女學習表現。四年級差距為大效果量、六年級差異效果量較小。不同水平知覺學校環境和學習表現相關不顯著;不同水平知覺班級常規、同儕關係和學習表現有部分相關。家庭因素方面,母親教養風格傾向為低度獨裁、中度寬容、或者高度開明權威,子女學習表現可能較高。個體相關構念對於學習表現的影響方面,正向自我概念與成功期望對於學習表現可能有助益,然而興趣價值和國語文的學習表現之間,不論四、六年級都沒有關聯性。最後根據研究結果提出三項建議。


The present study explored differences in academic performance in Mandarin between children from new immigrant families and nonimmigrant families and identified the effect sizes of significant factors. The subjects were fourth- and sixth-grade new-immigrant students, with Taiwanese students from nonimmigrant families forming the control group. Stratified cluster sampling yielded a sample of 4,001 and 4,017 fourth- and sixth-grade new-immigrant students, respectively. The study included four native Taiwanese control groups; 7,835 and 9,772 fourth- and sixth-graders took the Mandarin test, respectively. Data were collected through Mandarin achievement tests and questionnaires. After the tests, samples were weighted to accurately represent the population, and the Jackknife method was used to estimate standard error when comparing Mandarin learning performance among the new-immigrant family and nonimmigrant family children. The confidence intervals for learning performance were calculated to determine whether differences in learning performance among the groups were significant. The results showed that both the fourth- and sixth-grade new-immigrant family children had significantly lower Mandarin and math scores than the nonimmigrant family children did. Significant differences with large effect sizes existed between the fourth-grade Mandarin scores for both groups compared to scores from China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Southeast Asia. Significant differences also existed for both sixth-grade groups, but the effect size was smaller. Score level was not significantly correlated with school environment but was partially correlated with class adjustment and peer relationships. Furthermore, students with mothers whose parenting style was “slightly authoritarian,” “moderately permissive,” or “highly authoritative” tended to have superior learning performance. Personal factors, particularly self-concept and expectation of success, had a strong effect on learning performance. However, interest value in the subject was not correlated with Mandarin performance for the fourth- or sixth-grade students. Three implications were derived according to the quantitative results.


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