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Applying Motion Sensing Gaming to Learning Thai Syntax: Relationship Among Thai Learning Attitudes, Language Anxiety, Gameplay Flow, Test Anxiety and Self-Confidence Enhancement in Thai Syntax


身體活動能活化腦前額葉來幫助提升認知表現,然而,以身體活動為基礎的數位學習工具尚未在語言學習領域中有充足研究,加上句法是第二外語學習的關鍵,習得正確的句法系統才能組織完整的文句,故如何有效運用身體活動的數位遊戲來增強外語學習者句法是值得探究的議題。基此,本研究在遊戲式學習的特性下,邀請北部地區兩所大學及一所科技大學,共182名泰文學習者參與研究。研究實施共計15週,使用一款名為“Shaking Fun"的App,此App可進行文字排序。實驗方式為每週讓同學玩20分鐘當作複習。在檢核學習成效上,本研究以成就情緒的控制價值理論(CVTAE),探討與泰文學習活動相關的成就情緒,CVTAE預測正向情緒應能帶來更好的學習價值,而負向情緒則降低學習價值感知,依此,本研究提出一個研究模式。研究結果顯示:一、泰文學習態度與遊戲心流呈現正影響,但與測驗焦慮呈現負影響;二、泰文語言焦慮與遊戲心流呈現負影響,但與測驗焦慮呈現正影響;三、測驗焦慮與遊戲心流呈現負影響;四、遊戲心流與泰文句法自信心提升呈現正影響;五、測驗焦慮與泰文句法自信心提升呈現負影響。


Physical activity can activate the prefrontal cotex of the brain and improve cognitive performance. However, digital learning tools based on physical activity have not been sufficiently studied in the field of language learning. In addition, grammatical syntax is a key part of foreign-language learning, and the correct syntax is necessary to learn sentence usage. Therefore, how to effectively use digital games to enhance syntax learning for foreign-language learners is worth exploring. This study invited 182 Thai learners from two universities in northern Taiwan and one science and technology university to participate in the research. This study lasted 15 weeks and employed a digital game called "Shaking Fun" App, which can be used as learning assessment by involving students to sort text and shake mobile devices to send answers. The students were asked to play for 20 minutes each week. To assess learning effectiveness of shaking mobile devices as taking a test for assessing Thai syntax learning, this research used the control-value theory of achievement emotion (CVTAE) to explore the emotions related to achievements. The CVTAE predicts that activate emotions, such as game flow, bring to better learning value, whereas deactivate emotions, such as test anxiety, reduce learning value. Therefore, a research model based on this theory was proposed; the results of the research revealed the following: (1) Thai language learning attitudes is positively related to gameplay flow; but Thai language learning attitudes is negatively related to test anxiety. (2) Thai language anxiety is negative related to gameplay flow; but language anxiety was positively related to test anxiety. (3) Test anxiety can negatively predict gameplay flow experience. (4) Gameplay flow can positively predict Thai syntax using confidence. (5) Test anxiety can negatively predict Thai syntax using confidence. Expectedly, the results of this study can provide students who learning Thai as secondary language to use "Shaking Fun" device to improve their achievement emotion.


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