  • 期刊


University Education Returning to the Noumenon of Human Life




Life is the origin of education, education is the needs of the development of life. In this sense, the essence of education is life education. Look at college education form the essence of life education, the essential of the university is guiding personal character of students to excellence, educating them to the real "person." Returning to the noumenon of human life is the original meaning of the university. However, taking a profound rethinking on the contemporary university, which was covered by utilitarianism, usefulness is the only goal in the university. The university lose the sublime and spiritual pursuit, becoming vulgar. To reach the truth of life, university should return the noumenon of human life, and rethink the basic questions of "why to learn, what to learn, and how to learn." To develop personal characters of students and their accomplishments, students should be educated humanities, philosophy at universities, and they should learn to read, communicate and think critically.


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