  • 期刊


Taiwan Adolescent's Spiritual Health and Their Perceptions of Spirituality




生命教育 青少年 靈性 靈性健康


The aims of this study were to describe the perceptions of the importance of spiritual health of Taiwan adolescents and to understand adolescents' perspectives and experience pertaining to the aspects of spiritual health. This study adopted a mixed-methods research approach including two parts. Part one, data were based on the 3,252 8th grade and 10th grade students who participated in the "2016 Health and Well-being Survey of Taiwan Youth Survey." The spiritual health modules consisted of four domains: connections with self, others, environment and the transcendent. Part 2, 10 focus group interviews were conducted with 64 students aged 11-15 years old in 6 schools. More than 70 percent of adolescents recognized the importance of "connections with self" and "connection with others," while 40% recognized the importance of "connections with the transcendent." Girls consistently rated their perceptions of the importance of "connections with self " and "connections with others" higher than boys. Age-related increases in the ratings of spiritual health as being important were observed. For those adolescents participating in the focus group interviews, their life purpose are more close to goals about future career or goals of ideal life. Most participants recognized "show respect for other people" as the most important things in relational aspect of spiritual health. Most participants recognised the importance of "care for the natural environment, but lacked the feeling or experience of "feel connected to nature." Participants' perceptions of the importance of "feel connected to the transcendent" were related to their religious beliefs or supernatural experiences.


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