  • 期刊


The Mode of Existence of a Solitary Pilgrim Walking on the Camino de Santiago: Reaching the Reconciliation among Mind, Body and Nature


聖雅各之路泛指以西班牙西北角的聖地牙哥的聖雅各大教堂為終點的朝聖路網。據傳,使徒大雅各的遺骨於西元九世紀在聖雅各大教堂所在地被發現。本文首先分別對比聖雅各之路獨行徒步朝聖客與典型觀光客、獨行徒步朝聖客與居家者之間的差異,以凸顯朝聖客的身心體驗與存活模式,並且接著依據法國法蘭西學術院院士J.-C. Rufin對於他的朝聖之旅的描述,分析與說明朝聖客所經歷的五個身心體驗階段。本文指出朝聖客有機會體驗到心靈、身體與大自然的和解,並且使用來自M. Merleau-Ponty的想法與G. W. F. Hegel的語彙來說明這個和解。


The Camino de Santiago is a network of ancient pilgrim routes leading to Santiago de Compostela in north-west Spain, where tradition has it that the tomb of the apostle St. James the Great was discovered in the ninth century. In this paper, the mode of existence of a solitary walking pilgrim is characterized through comparison with that of a typical tourist and with that of a typical resident in his daily life-world, and it is then found that the experiential life of such a solitary walking pilgrim during his journey can be divided into five stages in the light of J.-C. Rufin's account of his pilgrimage. It is finally shown that a pilgrim has the opportunity to experience the reconciliation among mind, body and nature, which is explicated with the help of certain ideas from M. Merleau-Ponty and technical terms from G. W. F. Hegel.


Rufin, J.-C. (2014)。一個人的不朽遠行:聖雅各朝聖之路(范兆延,譯)。臺北市:聯經。(原著出版於 2013 年)【Rufin, J.-C. (2014). An immortal solitary hike: Camino de Santiago (C.-Y. Fan, Trans.). Taipei, Taiwan: Linking. (Original work published 2013)】
Inwood, M. (1992). A Hegel dictionary. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
James, W. (1985). The varieties of religious experience. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Merleau-Ponty, M. (2012). Phenomenology of perception (D. A. Landes, Trans.). London, UK: Routledge. (Original work published 1945)
Reader, I. (2015). Pilgrimage. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
