  • 期刊


Where is the Flower Blooming in the Forest?: A Narrative Inquiry into a University Professor's Educational Practice and the Context of Growth


本文以敘事研究取向來 探詢一位大學教師的生命成長與實踐意義,並以人智學生命發展為縱向探索的軸線,以教育理念的重要精神為橫向探究的視角。本文的生命故事發展呈現了重要的敘事探究:一、本文敘事參與者成長經驗所呈現的重要主題與生命軸線,為「呼-吸」般「釋放-緊實」兩股力量的生命樂章;二、本文敘事參與者的成長歷程,在人智學生命史論述上呈現了「善、美、真」發展階段的重要意義;三、本文敘事參與者走出的教育實踐行動,與其個人生命成長呈現了映照與串接;四、本文敘事參與者的生命路徑、教育實踐、教育理念三者呈現相遇的關係;五、本文敘事參與者持續參與教育實踐行動的生命轉化歷程,提供了身心靈整合的師資培育、生命教育,以及華德福教育理念精神的重要意義。


The narrative of the life of a university Professor (also an experimental educator), as described in this paper, focuses on the practice of education and the growth of life, and re-understands and thinks about "education" through the critical review of "life growth". This story is a narrative journey in which "educational practice" meets "life growth" and represent the "philosophy of education" from the understanding in action. This study is a narrative inquiry into the meaning of the life line, targeting at one university teacher-trainer (who is also a Waldorf educator). Specifically, this inquiry into Waldorf education and life development is departing from the angles of a participant's anthroposophical life development, as the axis of "longitudinal inquiry" and the vital spirit of educational philosophy as the axis of "horizontal inquiry". The development of the life story in this paper presents important narrative line as follows: 1.The important themes and life line presented in the participant's growth experience in this narrative are the two forces of life that Waldorf education emphasizes as "exhaling to inhaling" and "releasing to tightening"; 2.This paper narrates the growth history of one participant. The significance of the developmental stage of "truth-goodness-beauty" is presented in the discourse of anthroposophical life history; 3.The educational practices of a participant in this narrative is authentically mirrored and then connected to her personal life growth; 4.This paper narrates the relationship between a participant life path, educational practices, and educational philosophy; 5.The narrative of the participants' continuous engagement in the life-transforming experiences with reference to the educational practice provides an important meaning of the integration of body, mind and spirit, teacher training, life education, and Waldorf educational philosophy.


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