  • 期刊


Factors Associated with Recognizing and Using Welfare Services among Home-dwelling Disabled Elderly in Taipei


本研究主要在於瞭解臺北市失能老人對現行福利服務認知與使用的情形,以及影響其 認知和使用的因素。研究樣本取自臺北市衛生局所提供之失能老人名單,並採問卷調查方式,由訪員親至受訪者家中進行面對面訪問,共回收有效樣本390 份。研究結果顯示失能老人對於服務的認知程度並不高,而且對服務的使用率也不高,但前傾因素則是影響失能老人服務認知與服務使用的重要因素,特別是配偶和子女所扮演的溝通角色。建議未來政府可以對失能老人的家人進行服務項目的宣導工作,以提高失能老人對服務的認知度與使用率。


The purposes of this study are understand about the effect factors associated with recognizing and using of welfare services in the home-dwelling disabled elderly in Taipei. The sample list was provided by the Department of Health, face-to-face interviews were conducted by interviewers. This study successfully collected 390 respondents' data. The results showed that the elderly respondents knew very little about the welfare services and therefore only utilized very limited services. According to the Andersen's Behavior Model, the predisposing factor is the most variable affecting the recognition and utilization of services among the elderly, especially in spouse, sons and daughters could help the elderly connected to the services. In the future, government should promote the services to the home-dwelling disabled elderly family, and raise the services utilization rate.


disabled elderly behavior model service use
