  • 期刊


Playing-related Problems with Chinese Instruments: the Analysis of Chinese Music Students in Junior High Schools




Musicians are at risk for playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) due to long-term repetitive practice, which can have significant effects on performance ability. To date, however, there has been relatively little research conducted on PRMDs in Chinese instrumentalists, especially adolescent musicians. The goal of the present study was to characterize PRMDs in Chinese music major students of junior high schools and to identify the risk factors. Fifty-seven students of Chinese music classes from junior high schools in southern Taiwan were surveyed to complete two self-report questionnaires. Results showed that 54.4% of the students reported having had PRMDs. The highest prevalence was found in plucking instrumentalists (62.5%), followed by the string instrumentalists (56.5%) and blowing instrumentalists (33.3%). The most common injuries involved joint pain and tendonitis, primarily in fingers and shoulders. Pain was the predominant complaint of all students who had experienced PRMDs, and there was a significant positive correlation between severity of pain and depression. Older age, lack of warm-up exercises or regular exercise habits, increased practice time and practicing more difficult repertoires were found to be potential risk factors associated with developing PRMDs. Moreover, the majority of students did not consult medical professionals about their PRMDs, and also did not adopt prevention strategy to avoid recurrent injuries again. Therefore, to promote physical and mental health of young Chinese instrumentalists, it is important to provide curriculum and prevention programs regarding PRMDs, including proper medical counseling and possible treatments after PRMDs.
