  • 期刊


Emperor Meiji and Taiwan under Japanese Rule


本論要建立對於日治時期最初期的台灣統治和明治天皇的關係的初步理解。天皇是在日本近代史上一直有很重大的影響力之存在,這個事實不容疑問。在研究近代日本史或近代日本法史,許多論文不會略過天皇和重要的政治決定的關係之檢討。然而關於台灣近代史而言,雖然一般認為天皇在日本統治機構之核心,對於其影響力從來沒有很多論述進行了具體性的分析。既然天皇如上述對於日本明治時代以後的歷史有事實上和法理上的巨大的重要性,日治台灣的研究也應該擁有這個觀點。因此,本論要重新檢討「明治天皇紀」等的基本資料所登載的明治天皇的行動紀錄,勅語,像下賜救恤金等的行為,在台灣和內地的相關媒體報導,試圖推測明治天皇的意思和其實世上的影響力。本文要加上簡單地分析明治32, 33年陸軍省檔案之內的有關「匪徒」「蕃人」等的憲兵隊的報告和其「上奏」狀況,來推測明治天皇關於台灣統治把握了什麼程度的情況。


This thesis intends to establish basic understanding of the role and influence of Emperor Meiji in the earliest stage of Japanese rule of Taiwan. No doubt in Japan's modern history the Emperor has had a very significant influence. In the study of modern Japanese history or the history of modern Japanese law, most scholars will not skip the relationship between important political decisions and the Emperor. However, in the modern history of Taiwan, although it is widely accepted that the Emperor is in the core of Japanese governing system, much of its influence has never been discussed in the analysis of each topics. Since the emperor is regarded as obviously having historical and factual importance in Japan's Meiji era, so the study of Modern Taiwan should also have this point of view. This paper therefore tries to re-examine facts relating to Emperor Meiji seen in ”Meiji-Tenno-Ki” and other basic materials, Rescripts, Imperial Donations, media reports both in Taiwan and Japanese mainland, and establish tentative views or suppositioin about the political stance of Emperor Meiji, and his influence. This paper also intends to do basic analysis of official documents of the Ministry of Army during 1898-99, concerning the Kempeitai's (gendarmerie) reports on ”bandits” or ”savages”, and their addressing to the Emperor, in order to speculate how much the Emperor knew about the actual situation of Taiwan.


Orr, M. D. (2014). 空手道在戰後台灣:其歷史與文化認同變遷 [master's thesis, Chang Jung Chrisian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2014.00027
