  • 期刊


讀宮澤賢治《春天與修羅》「序」之我見|My Interpretation of Miyazawa Kenji's "Proem" from Spring & Sura




筆者於2015年12月出版『宮沢賢治詩集』之中譯本,雖然完成了此書之編譯工作,然而在翻譯之時,在所譯詩作之中,其實有些尚未能完全瞭解其內在深意。《春天與修羅》「序」即是對筆者而言,深奧且難以理解的詩作之一。《春天與修羅》「序」被多位權威學者視為研究賢治詩的起點,乃賢治詩之中重要的作品之一,因此,本文擬以此詩為主題加以探討。方法不似中譯本詩時,斟酌推敲文字本身的表達,而是著重在探討詩中的深刻含意。解釋「序」中筆者所認為的關鍵詞,依序解析各段。各段之間若有互相關連處,則一起探討,省略主語處增補之,賢治的自創詞試著解說之。最後,以散文方式改寫「序」,也就是進行語言內翻譯,依個人見解對《春天與修羅》「序」做出解釋。希望透過以上的方法,嘗試貼近寄託於「序」中賢治之真意。|It was never easy for me to truly appreciate some of Miyazawa Kenji's poems even though my book The Chinese Version of Miyazawa Kenji Poems Selections was published in December of 2015. "Proem" is one such poem. It is deep and hard to comprehend. Many authorities on Miyazawa Kenzi agree "Proem", one of Miyazawa Kenzi's important works, is the threshold into the world of his poetry. That's why I want to explore this poem further. The focus, though, will not be on word-for-word translation, but rather more on its deeper meaning. First, I'll clarify the key words, from my point of view, and then the paragraphs. The connection between paragraphs will also be discussed, if any. Besides, I'll add the missing subjects, and explain Miyazawa Kenji's self-invented words. Last, I'll rewrite "Proem" in prose, trying to translate it in plain language. It will be analyzed in my own way, and I hope this can somehow convey more explicitly the core of Miyazawa Kenji's poems.
