  • 期刊


Determintion of Illicit Drugs and Their Metabolites in Sewage Using High-Flow Solid-Phase Extraction and Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Estimation of Community Consumption


近年來藥品與個人保健用品在環境中流布之問題已逐漸為社會大眾所重視;其中具活性的非法藥物與其代謝物不一定能在污水處理廠被有效降解,因此可能污染環境。本研究結合高流速固相萃取與極致液相層析串聯式質譜法搭配同位素稀釋技術,迅速分析大體積民生污水樣品中的18種非法藥物及其代謝物,包括鴉片類、安非他命類、氟硝西泮、可卡因等。本研究利用該分析方法測量台北市污水處理廠進流水與放流水中殘留的微量待測藥物濃度,評估污水處理流程移除非法藥物及其代謝物之效率,並估算社區非法藥物使用量。民生污水中待測藥物的最低可定量濃度介於0.22~15.2 ng/L,約有一半待測藥物在進流水與放流水中都被偵測到,包括可待因、甲基安非他命、3,4-亞甲基雙氧甲基安非他命、3,4-亞甲基雙氧安非他命、可卡因與其代謝物芽子鹼甲酯等;顯示這些化合物在使用過後進入污水系統,並無法完全移除。甲基安非他命是本研究之所有非法藥物中使用量最大者,以15~64歲此一族群推估,約每千人每天攝取4劑。本研究之藥物濫用現況估計結果與我國官方統計之趨勢一致,且呈現我國與其它國家藥物濫用現況之差異,可做為未來監測藥物濫用情形之新措施。


Traces of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment have become a public concern in recent years. Active illicit drugs and their metabolites may resist degradation in sewage treatment plants and contaminate the environment. By combining high-flow solid-phase extraction, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry, and isotope-dilution techniques, this study developed and validated a method to rapidly extract and analyze 18 illicit drugs, including opioids, amphetamines, flunitrazepam, and cocaine, as well as their metabolites in large volumes of water. This method was applied to determine the analytes in influents and effluents of two Taipei sewage treatment plants (STPs), to evaluate their removal efficiencies, and to estimate the community consumption. The limits of quantification ranged from 0.22 to 15.2 ng/L. About half of the analytes were detected in both influents and effluents, including codeine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), cocaine and its metabolite, ecgonine methyl ester, revealing that these chemicals could not be completely removed by STPs. Based on the concentrations found in the influents, the consumption of methamphetamine was estimated to be the highest among the investigated illicit drugs, with about four doses of consumption per day per thousand individuals aged between 15 and 64 years. The profile of illicit drug abuse we demonstrated in this study was consistent with that from official statistics in Taiwan, which differs considerably from that in other countries. This method offers a new approach on monitoring drug abuse at the community levels.


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