  • 期刊


Beyond Comedy: On Kua-a-tsheh "New Edition of Songs for Cultivating One's Moral Character"


歌仔冊內底牽引著民眾情緒ê文學技巧,是進入民間文學ê門窗!真可惜ê是,日治時期真流行ê歌仔冊,tsit-má已經真少人知影。所以,本文選擇歌仔冊做研究ê對象,希望透過深入ê閱讀kap分析,去認bat歌仔冊所蘊藏ê文學內涵kap民間意義。 歌仔冊《新編勸改修身歌》ê故事內容,大部分ê篇幅攏以笑詼ê手路來經營,親像一齣喜劇ê表演。不而過,若進一步深入故事ê內容,koh加上後壁奉勸世人ê語句,會當發現笑詼ê過程展現出對女性ê消遣、歧視,笑詼ê背後充滿著男性威權ê思維。 本文欲以喜劇式書寫ê角度來切入,突顯歌仔冊作者高明ê文學手路,證明歌仔冊m-nā有反映社會現實ê精神,mā有袂當疏忽ê文學技巧。另外,希望透過文本內底笑詼kap其中性別思維走徙ê思考,進一步呈顯出笑詼背後所隱藏ê性別價值觀。


乞食 藝旦 笑詼 性別 歌仔冊 台灣文學


Kua-a-tsheh, or Taiwanese Ballads, were widespread and popular during the period of Japanese Occupation. Kua-a-tsheh was not only an important source of recreation for the Taiwanese people at the time, but also a literary treasure in the history of Taiwanese literature, written in the Taiwanese vernacular. In addtion, for a long time, women were rarely documented in history. Moreover, the Japanese period was a critical era between the traditional and modern in the development of Taiwanese society. Because the text of Kua-a-tsheh published in the Japanese era usually contained plentiful descriptions and images of women, it has become an important literary source for gender studies. Sin-pian Khng-kai Siu-sin Kua, or ”the New Edition of Songs for Cultivating One's Moral Character” is one of the typical ballads. The purpose of this study is to survey what images of women were manipulated, and revealed, in the Sin-pian Khng-kai Siu-sin Kua.


beggar prostitute comedy gender Kua-a-tsheh Taiwanese literature
