  • 期刊


A Pragmatic Approach to Dialect Maintenance: A Survey of the Course Development of "Taiwanese for Medical Purposes" and its Implications for the Curriculum Planning of Professional Language Courses in Taiwan




This study examined whether the development of the local language course 'Taiwanese for Medical Purposes' (TMP) meets medical students’ needs for their future practice in Taiwan. The issue was explored from three aspects: the course history of TMP, the population of Taiwanese speakers, and their medical needs. My findings include the following. TMP courses were initiated in 1999, and by 2013, twenty different TMP courses have been developed by eight medical schools. The population of non-Mandarin adult speakers in Taiwan was estimated at about 1.35 million (in 2010), with 800,000 being 65 year-old or older, the age group with the greatest medical needs. Further analysis demonstrates two concerns that call for medical educators' attention. While elderly non-Mandarin speakers live all over Taiwan, the lack of any TMP courses in three schools in northern Taiwan might result in language difficulties in the students’ future practice. The imbalance between the greatest need for medical care among the elderly in southern Taiwan and the lowest supply of TMP courses in this area is the second concern. This report concludes that: the promotion of TMP courses will not only help students' needs for their future practice, and enable them to be more patient-centered, but will also boost dialect vitality.


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