  • 期刊


History of Taiwanese Roman Scripts POJ


白話字是用羅馬字寫ê台灣話。伊ê歷史,上早愛對倫敦宣道會派佇閩南ê宣教師麥都思(Walter Henry Medhurst)1820年ê作品算起。Ùi彼陣到ta^n,白話字已經有195年ê歷史loh。Ùi麥都思到今仔日ê白話字發展史,筆者kā伊分做四個階段說明:(1)1885年以前ê閩南白話字,紹介閩南白話字ê發展kap白話字ê作品。(2)Ùi 1885年到1969年台灣白話字ê發展。1885年,巴克禮牧師(Rev. Thomas Barclay)佇台南,用台灣第一台印刷機印刷《台灣教會公報》了後,白話字tõh佇台灣開枝散葉。文章中,稱伊做「台語白話字」。台語白話字ê作品非常豐富,有聖經、聖詩、字辭典。有散文、小說、報導文學、劇本、翻譯文學、歷史傳記。嘛有世界地理、歷史kap科學新知ê紹介。數量之大,超過咱ê想像。這寡作品毋干焦予台灣人接觸基督信仰,嘛予讀者比其他ê人khah早認bat近代文明。(3)國民黨政府佇1969年3月禁止白話字ê《台灣教會公報》發行。1975年閣沒收《紅皮本》聖經。國民黨政府這段消滅人類語言kap文字ê過程本文條列、說明佇第三部分。(4)最後,本文將1980年以後,白話字閣重新puh-í^n、大欉ê過程,分教會體制內kap教會體制外論述。


Peh-ōe-jī (POJ) is Taiwanese written in Romanization. The history can be traced back to the works of missionary Walter Henry Medhurst from London M. S. in 1820. In other words, POJ has been existed near two hundred years. The development of POJ from 1820 to current date could be divided into four periods. 1) The POJ before 1885. The first section of this paper mainly introduces the early development of POJ and its works. 2). The POJ from 1885 to 1969. In 1885, Rev. Thmoas Barclay printed the first newspaper of Taiwan Church Press by using the first printing machine in Tainan. After that, POJ was spread all over Taiwan. There were abundant works of POJ and the amount is out of our imagination. There are Bible, Hymns, Dictionaries, essays, novels, reportage, scripts, translation works, and history biography. It also has the introduction of world geography, history and science. Those works help Taiwanese start to learn about not only Christian belief but also modern civilization. 3). From 1969 to 1980s. This period shows the history of how KMT eliminated human languages and orthographies. The KMT government banned the publishing of POJ in Taiwan Church Press on March in 1969. In 1975, the government also confiscated the K. T. V Compact Red Bible. 4). After 1980s. In this section, the revival and newly development of POJ, inside and outside the church are surveyed.


Douglas, Carstairs. 1899. Chinese-English Dictionary of the Spoken Language of Amoy. London: Presbyterian church of England

