  • 期刊


A Sound Comparison of the Taiwanese Taught in Japan and General Taiwanese


本文探討日本台灣語教學所教ê台語語音kah台語普通腔ê差別,根據洪惟仁ê研究,台灣上通行ê腔口──台語普通腔,主要是漳州腔透濫一寡仔泉州腔。Put-jî-kò日本上捷用ê兩本台灣語教材──《ニューエクスプレス台湾語》kah《台湾語会話》是以台北腔做基礎,台北腔是泉州腔。照音類來看,日本台灣語教學所教ê台語語音kah台語普通腔ê差別有幾種無仝款ê類型。第一種是日本台灣語教學教泉州腔,台語普通腔講漳州腔,chit兩種是完全無仝ê腔口。第二種是日本台灣語教學教ê是台語較弱勢ê腔口,kah台語普通腔無仝款。第三種是日本台灣語教學教ê音kah台語普通腔漳泉濫ê程度無仝。第四種是日本台灣語教學教ê音主要是泉州腔,台語普通腔是漳泉濫。第五種是日本台灣語教學教ê音kah台語普通腔差不多。第六種是日本台灣語教學教ê音kah台語普通腔所講ê完全仝款。日本台灣語教學ê老師beh按怎面對台語漳泉濫ê問題?本文建議老師會當kā學生說明除了課本所寫ê音,台語mā有無仝款ê腔口。而且教材所附ê CD,兩位錄音老師ê腔口上好愛一致,若無一致,外國學生會hiau疑,m知應該學tó一種腔。


This study aims to compare the sounds of the Taiwanese taught in Japan with those of General Taiwanese. General Taiwanese has a predominantly Chang-based accent partially mixed with a Chuan-based accent. However, the most popular Taiwanese teaching materials in Japan, 《ニューエクスプレス 台湾語》 and 《台湾語会話》, are written based on the Taipei accent which is a predominantly Chuan-based accent. After comparing the differences between the sounds of the Taiwanese taught in Japan with the General Taiwanese accent, these sounds can be categorized into the following six groups: (1) The Taiwanese taught in Japan has a Chuan-based accent, while General Taiwanese has a Chang-based accent. (2) The sounds in the Taiwanese taught in Japan is different when compared to those used in General Taiwanese, with the Taiwanese taught in Japan having a comparatively nonprestige sound and General Taiwanese having a prestige sound. (3) Both have a Chang-Chuan mixed accent, however, the Taiwanese taught in Japan has a predominantly Chuan-based accent, while General Taiwanese has a predominantly Chang-based accent. (4) There is a Chuan-based accent in the Taiwanese taught in Japan and a Chang-Chuan mixed accent in General Taiwanese. (5) Both have similar accents. (6) Both accents are identical. This paper concluded some strategies to tackle the inconsistencies in order to assist the users of these teaching materials. It is suggested that teachers should read research papers on the sound changes of Taiwanese. Moreover, an understanding of the sound differences between the Chang and Chuan-based dialects is also essential. If learners have questions regarding the accents, teachers should explain that besides the ones taught in learning materials, there are various Taiwanese accents that exist. Finally, so as not to confuse learners, speakers on audio teaching materials should present the content consistently with the same accent.




