  • 期刊


The Service Circulation Management and Renovation of Interior Property: A Case Study of the Postpartum Care Center


具有營業性質的室內物業經營了一段時間之後,管理階層發現一些空間使用以及管理上的問題,然後聘請室內設計師進行更新設計。室內設計師也將業主的需求視為主要的設計問題來源,在設計過程當中積極思考解決的方案。然而設計師如何掌握由物業的使用與管理所衍生出的設計問題?設計師如何確實的評估原始設計與更新設計案之間的差異?本文的研究目的是以結合了人文理論與電腦分析軟體的空間型態構成理論(Space Syntax),透過數位圖形和量化分析的方法,首先詮釋研究案例的原始設計在整體空間使用以及管理的問題。接著檢視定案設計的成果是否符合業主的想法、使用者的需求、以及提昇整體的空間品質。研究成果指出,空間型態構成理論能夠解析原始空間在使用與管理的問題。分析結果確認設計師提出的解決設計問題的服務動線與套房設計、帶動業績成長的育嬰中心更新設計構想、以及促進使用者互動的開放式公共空間設計等。本文的研究成果能夠做為物業管理者與室內設計師進行室內物業更新的參考。後續研究將在其他案例的整個設計過程之中充分運用空間型態構成理論,包含與業主的溝通階段,輔助室內設計師評估設計的成果,發展能夠適度解決設計問題的可接受方案,避免錯誤的設計對於室內物業的空間使用與管理形成困擾。


After discovering some problems of spatial use and management, the owner of the interior property will appoint a design team to propose the renovation project. The designer will critically consider the requirements as the major design problems during the design process, and to generate some suitable solutions. However, how the designer to know well those design problems? And the designer how to evaluate different situations between existing design and the renovation project. This study attempts to apply Space Syntax to interpret the design problems. Then this method will investigate the renovation how to achieve the requirements of the owner, users, and spatial qualities. The findings indicated that Space Syntax represented both spatial and management problems. It also confirmed that both the renovation concepts of improving business, and design strategies of encouraging interactions between users achieved the future requirements of property management. The contribution of this study will become a good example of property renovation for both the owner and the designer. In order to avoid design mistakes emerging in the interior properties, future studies will apply Space Syntax to the whole design process of the other cases including communications with the client. Therefore, the designer can evaluate design outcomes, and to develop the acceptable projects which will solve design problems properly.


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