  • 期刊


Business Management Model and Strategy of Social Housing Property Management - A Case Study of Taipei City




The author interviewed call on different people in official, industry, and academic to point out that the property management company must utilize the business management ability, public-private coordinate ability, communication and service ability, human resources management ability, and fulfill the corporate social responsibility based on the current condominium management service. Secondly, the property management company can converse the outsourcing items into internal operating ability, to shorten the service business process and effectively reduce the cost. On the other hands, to assign functional heads not only eligible for the formal and informal communication negotiation skills but also be able to recognize the laws and regulations stipulated by the government to be responsible for the business management of social housing, and review its efficiency and effect at every dynamic service whenever needed to enhance the fluency, enforceability, and quality of service of service personnel on the coping of business management strategy. On the policy of mandatory business management, the authors recommended that the government shall play the role of bridge in inter-departmental resource integration, inter-county/city regional integration, and the establishment of housing public bodies to improve the effectiveness of policy management and implementation. On the tenancy management, tenancy contract management, service charging management and tenancy service shall be well run.


台北市政府(2013)。台北市既有出租國宅轉型社會住宅及其配套措施之研擬。臺北市議會第11 屆第5 次大會,臺北市政府都市發展局工作報告,取自http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:SZxCK6fe2CkJ:obas_front.tcc.gov.tw:8080/Agenda/DownloadFile.aspx%3FFileName%3D11105%25E9%2583%25BD%25E5%25B8%2582%25E7%2599%25BC%25E5%25B1%2595%25E5%25B1%2580%25E5%25B7%25A5%25E4%25BD%259C%25E5%25A0%25B1%25E5%2591%258A.doc%26FilePath%3D%26FileGrpKind%3D1+&cd=14&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=tw
