  • 期刊


Constructing the Competency of Property Management Managers




This research investigated competency of who is in charge of the property management in composite buildings, and it focused on essential characteristics required for a manager managing a composite building from the property management points of view. From literature reviews and expert interviews, the competency of employee can be categorized into 5 dimensions, 6 criteria, and 60 factors. The methodology used AHP method, and the property managers of Composite buildings were aimed to fill out the questionnaires. For a property manager, the results found the importance of 5 competency are fallowing. First, in the management competency, the disaster prevention of the environmental safety and health is the most important, Second, in the core competency, the ability of customer relations management in the property management services is the most important. Third, in the professional competency, the execution of the property and facility maintenance and repair contracts is the most important. Fourth, in the self-functional competency, the execution of the motivation is the most important. The last of general competency, abilities of management such as calling meetings, connecting, or tracing agenda ...etc. in the general administration is the most important. According to the results, establishing a functional standard assessment of composite buildings managers can be applied as a tool for identifying capabilities requirement and analyzing competency. Moreover, it can be designed for pre-employment and on-job training programs. This assessment can also be references for jobs description, which can improve the efficiency of human resource management.


內政部營建署(民國105 年11 月16 日)。營建法令-公寓大廈管理條例。取自http://www.cpami.gov.tw/chinese/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10472&Itemid=100
內政部營建署(民國98 年9 月21 日)。營建法令-公寓大廈管理服務人管理辦法。取自http://www.cpami.gov.tw/chinese/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10540&Itemid=100
行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局(民國102 年5 月17日)。職能發展及應用推動要點。取自https://laws.mol.gov.tw/FLAW/FLAWDAT01.aspx?lsid=FL070293
