  • 期刊


The Simulation Analysis of the Basement Ventilation Equipment to Fire Rescue-The Case Study of An Underground Shopping Center in New Taipei City


本研究針對位於地下空間的大賣場;如果發生火警時,在面對不同大小的民眾逃生開口以及濃煙宣洩開口,如何運用消防排煙機具執行排煙戰術,增加排煙效率。提高進入內部搶救的消防人員安全性,確保搶救執行力。利用FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator)火災模擬軟體模擬環境情況,設定不同開口大小以及消防排煙戰術:正壓送風排煙、負壓抽風排煙。消防戰術通常以能見度表現來判斷是否排煙成功,故透過模擬各種組合,分析其能見度表現的數據來判斷其排煙效率。研究得出的結論於實際救災上能有所參考,確保消防人員能在安全的環境下執行搶救任務。研究結果指出,1.當搶救開口與宣洩開口相當時,無論執行正壓送風或是負壓抽風其排煙效果都比場所內部消防排煙設備為佳,最少提升約67%的排煙效果。2.當搶救開口小於宣洩開口或是相反,選擇執行負壓抽風排煙戰術,排煙效率會比正壓排煙戰術為佳;於宣洩開口大於搶救開口,則效果更加明顯。所以,在面臨不同開口時,若能利用遮蔽物遮斷搶救開口部分面積,再加上負壓抽風排煙使場所內部形成負壓環境,對於排煙效率上,有更多實質上的幫助。


This research aims to the underground hypermarket; once if with the fire, how to apply the fire exhaust equipment to evacuate the smoke through rescue and ventilation exists for higher emissions. Improve the safety of firefighters entering the internal rescue and ensure the execution of rescue. Simulating the environment with FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) software to set different scenarios and corresponding tactics: positive and negative pressure for emissions. Fire tactics usually judge whether smoke exhaust is successful by visibility performance, so the efficiency is determined by various combinations, and can assure the tasks carried out in a safe environment. Our findings suggest: 1.When the sizes of two exists are equivalent, whether the positive or negative pressure is better than the site's internal fire exhaust equipment; 67% higher on effect at least; 2. When the rescue exit is smaller, or on the contrary, negative pressure tactic is better; bigger ventilation one, better performance. We, therefore, assert that, covering partial rescue exit through shelter, while different sizes for both exits, coupled with negative pressure tactic should form an internal negative pressure environment and, favor emission.


內政部消防署 2015 年 10 月消防統計年報。
內政部消防署 2016 年 10 月消防統計年報。
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