  • 期刊


The Effects of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate and levonorgesterel in the Reproductive Control of Captive "Macaca cyclopis"


台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)為台灣特有種,近來隨著棲地開發及族群擴張,其與人類生活空間重疊情形日增,並衍生許多衝突。本研究目的以簡單實用與非侵入性的操作方式控制臺灣獼猴的動情週期,期望可以達到抑制臺灣獼猴繁衍過度之情形。本研究將成熟雌性之臺灣獼猴分為三組:第一組使用醋酸甲羥孕酮(medroxyprogesterone acetate)以肌肉注射方式給予;第二組左炔諾孕酮(levonorgestrel)以口服投予方式投藥;第三組為對照組。試驗進行前獼猴先依血漿中孕酮(progesterone)與雌二醇(estradiol)濃度、陰道抹片及性皮腫脹觀察動情週期的變化。於非交配季節觀察雌性獼猴之動情週期平均為28.29±5.3天,陰道細胞學與排卵週期具有週期性變化,但性皮腫脹程度及增紅程度並不明顯。試驗結果發現:第一組獼猴使用醋酸甲羥孕酮注射後11週,其血漿中孕酮濃度達到最高峰平均為281.42±51.18 ng/mL,顯著高於對照組與正常動情週期黃體期之濃度,但雌二醇變化不受影響,顯示試驗獼猴仍處於黃體階段。第二組獼猴使用左炔諾孕酮口服投予兩次後,口服後第7週其血漿中孕酮濃度到達最高峰平均值為253.70±50.11 ng/mL,顯著高於對照組表示可造成延遲排卵。試驗可知臺灣獼猴以肌肉注射醋酸甲羥孕酮可成功延長成熟雌猴之動情週期與排卵至少三個月,較適合做為野外獼猴非侵入性生育控制方法。


This study was undertaken to develop a simple and practical method to control the time of ovulation in ”Macaca cyclopis”. Group 1 (n=6) was treated with a single 150 mg intramuscular injection of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) injectable suspension, while Group 2 (n=5) was treated with diets containing 0.3 mg levonorgestrel (LNG) given weekly to normally cycling female monkeys for 2 weeks, and Group 3 (n=3) remained untreated. Plasma concentrations of estradiol and progesterone, vaginal smear and conspicuous swellings were determined in order to estimate the estrus cycle. The average length of the normal menstrual cycle in the non-mating season was 28.29 ±5.3 days. Vaginal smear, were observed in relation to ovulation. However, conspicuous swellings of the perineal skin and timing of ovulation are not obvious in females of ”Macaca cyclopis” particularly during the middle stages of the ovarian cycle. Group 1 treated with MPA, ovulation occurred more than 120 days after medication. MPA administration resulted in a significant increase in plasma progesterone levels 11 weeks after medication (281.42 ±51.18 ng/mL) and plasma estradiol values did not differ sign ificantly in all monkeys. Group 2 was treated with LNG at 0.3 mg/weekly for two weeks, plasma progesterone level was significantly greater (253.70 ±50.11 ng/mL) than those in the control group and the results indicated that ovulation occurred more than 28 days after the last administration in all monkeys. The results indicate that a single 150 mg IM dose of MPA could be applicable for delaying ovulation, and suggest that MPA is a more proper way of non-invasive reproductive control for the wild ”Macaca cyclopis”.
