  • 期刊


Animal community survey using infrared camera trap in man-made and natural forests at Hehuanshan Farm


由2012年起,合歡山農場逐漸停耕開始進行人工造林,完成造林至今已歷10年。為了解還地於林10年後,人造林與鄰近天然林內哺乳動物相之差異,自2019年3月至2021年6月,於合歡山農場人造林及鄰近天然林內各選6處樣點,架設紅外線自動相機進行哺乳動物相監測。期間共記錄哺乳動物4目11科19種,鳥類3目15科29種,及爬蟲類1目1科1種。分析發現人造林與天然林記錄物種數沒有差異,但以天然林拍到動物有效照片數較多。除總豐富度指數外,天然林的辛普森指數、香農多樣性指數、皮盧均勻度指數三項指數均低於人造林,可能是天然林中記錄到明顯數量優勢的山羌(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)所致。針對記錄物種中有效照片數較高的種類分析其在人造林與天然林間及季節間的活動頻率,僅山羌在天然林有較高活動量。各季節間高山白腹鼠(Niviventer culturatus)在春夏季的活動高於秋冬;臺灣森鼠(Apodemus semotus)活動高峰出現在夏季;臺灣水鹿(Rusa unicolor swinhoei)的春季活動高於秋冬二季,且夏季活動也高於秋季;而臺灣野豬(Sus scrofa taivanus)則是春季的活動低於夏秋二季,且冬季活動低於夏季;黑長尾雉(Syrmaticus mikado)、臺灣噪眉(Trochalopteron morrisonianum)及臺灣紫嘯鶇(Myophonus insularis)春夏季的活動高於秋冬;黃胸藪眉(Liocichla steerii)夏季的活動高於秋冬季;白氏地鶇(Zoothera aurea)則在春冬季活動較高。2019與2020年間,則有臺灣森鼠、臺灣田鼠(Microtus kikuchii)、山羌、臺灣野豬、黃鼠狼(Mustela sibirica taivana)等在兩年間活動頻率有差異。


We set up infrared camera traps at six sampling points in the man-made forest and adjacent natural forest of Hehuanshan Farm, respectively, to investigate the animal communities from March 2019 to June 2021. During the study period, 19 mammal species of 11 families and four orders, 29 bird species of 15 families and three orders, and one reptile species of one family and one order were recorded. Analysis revealed no difference in the number of species recorded in the man-made forest and natural forest, but there were significantly more animals in the natural forest. Except for the Margalef's richness index, the Simpson's index, Shannon-Weiner diversity index, and Pielou's evenness index of the natural forest were all lower in the natural man-madeforest, which may be due to the obvious quantitative advantage of the Formosan Reeve's muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi micrurus). Analysis of activity frequency between the man-made forest and natural forest and between seasons showed that only the Formosan Reeve's muntjac had a significantly higher activity rate in the natural forest. The Formosan white-bellied rat (Niviventer culturatus) was more active in the spring and summer than in the autumn and winter; the activity peak of the Formosan wood mice (Apodemus semotus) occurred in the summer; the Formosan sambar deer (Rusa unicolor swinhoei) was significantly more active in the spring than in the autumn and winter, and significantly more active in the summer than in the autumn; the Formosan wild boar (Sus scrofa taivanus) was less active in the spring than in the summer and autumn, and significantly less active in the winter than in the summer. The Mikado pheasant (Syrmaticus mikado), white-whiskered Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron morrisonianum), and Taiwan whistling-thrush (Myophonus insularis) were more active in the spring and summer than in the autumn and winter; the Steere's Liocichla (Liocichla steerii) was more active in the summer than in the autumn and winter; and the White's thrush (Zoothera aurea) was more active in the spring and winter. Between 2019 and 2020, there were significant differences in the activity frequency of the Formosan wood mice, Taiwan vole (Microtus kikuchii), Formosan Reeve's muntjac, Formosan wild boar, and Formosan weasel (Mustela sibirica taivana).
