  • 期刊


Challenge and Response of Implementing Teacher Education--from Hualien University of Education to Hua-Shih College of Education in Dong Hwa University


過去的師範教育機構,無論是以培育中等教師爲主的師範大學,或以培育國小教師爲主的師範學院或教育大學,都曾是培育師資的專門搖籃,但現今在師資培育多元化政策;教師需求量遽減及大學資源整合政策等各股因素激盪下,都不得不朝綜合大學方向轉型,且師資培育僅成爲新轉型後大學之部分功能,並通常由名爲師範學院或教育學院來負責。這篇論文就是以轉型後之新東華大學花師教育學院爲例,探討這個學院在師資培育上所面對的挑戰與因應策略。 這個挑戰主要來自於學院所處的學校場域不同,由注重師資培育的花蓮教育大學轉換爲注重學術研究的東華大學,在以研究績效作爲衡量教師效能的大學中,教師必須轉移更多精力於研究上,相對就影響教師對培育學生成良師之關注,那麼如何確保「師範性」與「學術性」之平衡,就成了學院所面對的最大挑戰。 爲化解此挑戰,學院的因應策略除採取加強組織連結和充實硬體設施等支持性作爲外,更著重兩方面的核心性作爲:1.在提升教師的學術創造性上,包括推動教師成立研究團隊與鼓勵教師出版專書著作,以釋放教師群之研究壓力,而能讓教師在有限的時間中,產出更大的研究效能;2.在養成學生的優質專業性上,則從招生至養成皆實施各種創新性與精進性之作爲,以讓學生更積極主動的成爲良師,同時也使教師培育效能更獲得彰顯。


In the past few decades, secondary education programs at normal universities and elementary education programs at teachers colleges have always been the professional cradles to cultivate future teachers in Taiwan. Today, multiple policies in teacher education and diminishing demand for teachers have become the major factors that urge amalgamations among teacher preparation institutions and comprehensive universities. Under such circumstances, challenges that are caused by the consolidation of two academic units emerged. Namely, the traditional role of professors in normal universities or teachers colleges is that of mentor. However, in research-based universities, professors have to devote most of their time to research instead of providing guidance for future teachers. Therefore, professors from the formal normal universities and teachers colleges now need to seek for a balance between academic performance and teaching practice in comprehensive university settings. This paper takes Hwa-Shih College of Education in Dong-Hwa University as an example and explores the problems and solutions of implementing teacher education programs in a comprehensive university setting. To deal with the above mentioned dilemma, this research looked further into details of how we continuously cope with problems and always seek for better solutions to inculcate highly-qualified teachers on behalf of domestic K-12 students in Taiwan. Two major solutions are discussed in the study, namely: 1.Promoting faculty members' academic creativity, so as to produce the maximum research energy among all college members and 2.Cultivating high quality and active future teachers with professional competence in the field of education.
