  • 期刊


The Transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School-A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Children as Subjects in Transition


本研究主要的目的是提供一個觀看的架構,理解幼兒在其學習生涯的轉換中所具有的主體性和能動性。本研究透過文獻探討與分析,並對綠茵國小一年級的新生和級任老師進行觀察與訪問,理解幼兒在幼小教育場域轉換的過程的主體性。 本研究以John Dewey的經驗理論、人類學家Arnold van Gennep對「通過人生重要儀式」(The rites of passage)的見解,以及Lev Vygotsky的社會文化理論爲基礎,釐清幼兒在經歷不同學校生活的轉換過程所涉及的關鍵用詞,並建構以「幼兒爲銜接之主體」的概念架構,從另一種角度觀看幼小教育情境的轉換,理解幼兒在經歷其生平第一次教育現場轉移的過程中,所佔的主體位置。 其次,本研究以綠茵國小一年級的學生及其級任老師爲研究對象,進行爲期一年的訪談,並對幼稚園(托兒所)大班教師進行問卷調查,以理解幼兒如何使用不同的策略,積極在銜接的路上與週遭的情境互動,形成新的學生身分認同。 本研究發現小學一年級和幼稚園是相當不同的學習情境脈絡,在幼小學習情境的轉換過程,參雜了許多相互交錯的因素。然而,幼兒在這個轉換的過程卻也表現出積極的參與、具創意地運用各種適合自己的策略回應所處的學習情境。本研究最後提出以此架構所理解之幼兒學習主體,帶給「幼小銜接」相關論述不同的蘊義。


銜接 幼兒 主體


This paper aims to provide early childhood education and elementary schools with a framework to understand children as subjects in transition from kindergarten to elementary school. The major theory foundation of this conceptual framework was derived from Dewey's notion of Experience and Education, Vygotsky's sociocultural theory and Arnold van Gennep's notion of ”the rites of passage” This paper began with a review of the concept of transition. It then presented a conceptual framework for understanding children as subjects in transition. After that, a one-year qualitative study was pursued to explore the elementary school experiences of first graders and the factors that shaped their adjustment process in the Green Grass Elementary School and their new identity as a ”pupil”. The transition from kindergarten to elementary school for most children was the first and major ecological transition in their educational life as a pupil, because that kindergarten was the first education setting in which young children made to sense the notion of ”school” as a place to learn and about themselves as ”pupils”. Yet for these children, many definitions and requirements regarding ”learning” seemed to be totally different in the first grade from what they were at kindergarten. In this transition, children crossed a cultural boundary from kindergarten to elementary school. The results suggested that children's school experience in the first grade could vary from school to school as a function of contextual differences, since many factors combined to shape the process. This paper informed us that children were active, creative and strategic practitioners and had their own ways suitable for them to reconstruct the classroom.


transition young children Subject


