  • 期刊


Russia Enlightenment Philosopher, Alexander Radishchev-A View for Autocracy


拉吉舍夫(Alexander Radishchev,1749-1802)身為傳統的俄國貴族,但由於他曾到過日耳曼留學,受到當時歐洲啟蒙思想的薰陶,使他爾後成為俄國啟蒙運動的重要人物。拉吉舍夫之所以遠遠超越同時代的俄國啟蒙者,是因為他對俄國根深蒂固的傳統加以無情撻伐。他批判專制政府是最違反人性的制度,拉吉舍夫以人性來探討歷史的演變發展,認為人雖有理性的能力,但是也存在著天生對權力的貪婪,說明人無止盡的慾望與無節制的自由,會導致專制君主的出現。拉吉舍夫之所以予人激進的感覺,最主要的原因在於他是俄國第一個提出推翻沙皇專制的言論的思想家。拉吉舍夫以契約論為攻擊專制制度的武器,在早期的著作《自由頌》(Ode to Liberty)裡甚至高喊要將沙皇拉上斷頭臺,不過後來他對專制制度的態度逐漸轉變,批判的言詞也不如早期的激烈。拉吉舍夫雖然對專制制度深惡痛絕,但是由於對祖國光榮的緬懷與愛國情緒的影響,所以造成拉吉舍夫對專制制度的態度並非前後一致。為了國家的偉大與統一,自由與人道的犧牲可以被諒解;在拉吉舍夫的身上,俄國光榮傳統所造成的愛國心與法國啟蒙思想的人道關懷,彼此衝突不休的狀況,正好預告了十九世紀「親斯拉夫派」(Slavophils)與「西化派」(Westernizers)的爭論


Alexander Radishchev was born a Russia Eupatrid. Later, he studied in German, was influenced by great ideas of European Enlightenment, than he became the most important character of Russia Enlightenment movement. What made Radishchev distinguished among other members of Russia Enlightenment were his assaults upon incorrigible inhumanity of Russia tradition. At first, Radishchev was a radical. He was first one to address the issue about overthrowing Czar autocracy. He used Du Contrat Social as a weapon to charge Czar's autocracy. Radischev even declared to Czar guillotined in his early opus ”Ode to Liberty” Afterward, his attitude toward autocracy was gradually conversional and his critical words became less radical. Though Radischev hatred autocracy system, yet owing to the concerning of the glories of Fatherland and his sentimental patriotism, his attitude was unable to continued. The conflicts between patriotism of Russia tradition and the concern of humanity, which Radischev held in his mind predicted forthcoming debt between Slavophils and Westernizers in the nineteenth century.
