  • 期刊


The American News Values of Murrow Tradition: A Case for Murrow's Criticism of McCarthyism


愛德華.蒙洛(Edward R. Murrow, 1908-1965)是美國哥倫比亞廣播公司(Columbia Broadcasting System, CBS)著名記者,活躍於第二次世界大戰與冷戰時期的新聞界,1961年出任美國新聞總署 (United States Information Agency, USIA)長官。蒙洛及其團隊因為開創性的傑出表現而被視為新聞典範人物,而有「蒙洛傳統」(Murrow Tradition)之說,象徵追求理想、勇氣、正直、專業以及社會責任的新聞價值。然而「蒙洛傳統」一詞無論在新聞界或學術界,都缺乏清楚明確的內涵定義,本文以蒙洛對麥卡錫主義(McCarthyism)的批判為例,說明蒙洛傳統在此期間所展現的特質與其在新聞史上的重要意義。


Edward R. Murrow was an American broadcast journalist at CBS, and he was active during World War Two and the Cold War. In 1961, he became the director of United States Information Agency (USIA). Because of the innovative works and outstanding performance on journalism, Murrow and his team are seen as the journalist role models. "Murrow tradition" represents the news value of ideals pursuit, courage, integrity, professional and social responsibility. However, the definition of "Murrow tradition" is still not clear enough in either media or academia fields. This article uses the case of Murrow's criticism of McCarthyism to explain the quality of Murrow tradition and its significant for news history.


Edward R. Murrow Murrow Tradition McCarthyism CBS News Values
