  • 期刊


Using Grid-based Clustering Maximum Likelihood Estimate in Establishing Building Fragility Curves




In this study, the typological building fragility curves are developed base on the building damage records collected after the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan. A new clustering analysis, so-called grid-based clustering maximum likelihood estimate, in combination with a grid-based cluster analysis procedure and with a novel maximum likelihood estimate, is proposed to derive fragility curves for 16 building typologies in Taiwan. This new grid-based method generates lower-deviation vulnerability data for reducing the dispersion of datasets than does the traditional district-based method. The proposed gridbased method has three analysis models, including binomial distribution, multinomial distribution (Method 1), and multinomial distribution with a common log-standard deviation (Method 2). The results of the grid-based method show that: (1) the fragility curves can reasonably expressed vulnerability of buildings thus applicable to the development of building fragility curves for wide-regional damage records; (2) Method 2 provides a more reasonable vulnerability of building thus the common log-standard deviation is a better choice to derive the empirical fragility curves; (3) the fragility curves have acceptable prediction performance even though only two levels of damage in the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake. Above results demonstrate that the developed fragility curves can reasonably be implemented for estimating earthquake loss and assessing seismic risk in the future.


靳鈞評(2015)。利用易損性曲線結合Ca-Markov模型 預測坡地崩塌之警戒區 -以陳有蘭溪集水區為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0212080
