  • 期刊


A Study on the Application of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Material to the Flood Gates


本文利用玻璃纖維強化高分子複合材料(Glass Fiber Reinforcement Plastic, GFRP)取代不銹鋼材料之防汛閘門,並進行GFRP防汛閘門之分析與設計。本文所設計之GFRP防汛閘門則透過現地勘查的方式,分別選取現有之圓形與矩形不鏽鋼防汛閘門,透過有限元素軟體的分析,求得兩不鏽鋼防汛閘門達到降伏強度之載重。再將此載重做為GFRP防汛閘門之設計載重,並將此設計載重施加至所設計之GFRP防汛閘門上,再透過有限元素分析的方式探討GFRP防汛閘門的力學行為。並透過分析所得之安全係數驗證GFRP防汛閘門之可行性。


This study uses glass fiber reinforced polymer composites (GFRP) composite material to replace the existing stainless steel flood gate. The authors investigated the flood gate in-situ, and choose a circular and a rectangular stainless steel flood gates as objects for this study; and then performed a finite element analysis to obtain the loads which can make the steel flood gates yielding. The obtained loads were then applied to the same close section of the circular and a rectangular GFRP flood gates; the mechanical behaviors of those gates were investigated through the finite element analysis. The safety factor of GFRP flood gate was then obtained from the finite element analysis results.
