  • 期刊


My Mentor: Admirable Director Tsung-Yao Wu, a Demonstration of Noble Character and Unquestionable Integrity


在我們人生的旅程當中,若能認識及結交到真正的「良師益友」,將是「我們一生最大且最重要的財富」。我的恩師-吳宗堯(Tsung-Yao Wu)局長不僅是我國資深的氣象從業者、氣象學者,而且也是世界知名的颱風預報專家,其對氣象工作的敬業、熱忱與投入,真讓人肅然起敬!吳局長在中央氣象局服務期間,為了突破氣象預報技術瓶頸,提昇對颱風、豪雨、寒流及乾旱等災害性天氣的監測與預報準確度,爰樹立「充實氣象儀器設備」、「發展數值天氣預報技術」、「加強氣象科技人才培訓」及「促進國際合作及氣象技術交流」等四大施政目標,因而奠定氣象局邁向氣象業務現代化之重要里程碑,開創我國氣象事業的新紀元。吳局長高瞻遠矚與卓越領導的能力,值得我們後輩的肯定及敬佩,願後進的氣象從業人員也能感受到吳局長一生高風亮節之情懷和風範。


The most essential and precious treasure in our life is knowing and getting acquainted with real good teachers and helpful friends. My mentor, Director Tsung-Yao Wu, is not only a senior weather practitioner and meteorologist in Taiwan, but is also an expert of typhoon forecasting worldwide. His dedication and enthusiasm to his weather career is awe-inspiring. While working in the Central Weather Bureau, Director Wu set up four goals of governance: Increasing weather equipment, improving numerical weather prediction, strengthening meteorological personnel training, promoting international cooperation and technology exchange, in order to break the bottleneck of weather-forecast technology, and to improve monitoring and forecasting accuracy of severe weather, such as typhoon, torrential rain, cold current and drought. His effort created an essential milestone of modern meteorological business and opened up new prospects of weather careers in Taiwan. Director Wu is bold and global in outlook, and his excellent leadership is worth admiration and respect from following people. It’s hoped that junior weather practitioners can also aware of his noble character and unquestionable integrity.
