  • 期刊


Interpretation of Soil characteristics and seismic damage Using Microtremor: Tainan and Kaohsiung Area




Earthquake is a natural phenomenon which brings significant damage to the modern society. On February 6, 2016, Meinong Earthquake caused extensive damage, including the collapse of a high-rise building and soil liquefaction, in Taiwan. Conventionally, the SPT and CPT technologies are applied to assess the disaster potential of a site. However, time consuming, economic cost, and working space are three major impacts to constraint the progress of the in-situ tests. This study proposed a fast and simple method to interpret the physical/mechanical characteristics of the ground using single-station microtremor with Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) analysis. This study firstly obtains the H/V spectrum to establish the correlation between H/V and SPT-N under different depth. In addition, a microtremor-based detection method is developed to judge the soil characteristics by comparing the borehole data in Tainan and north Kaohsiung. The predominant period at each measuring station is applied associating with interpolating method to draw a contour map in GIS. Then, the correlation of predominant period between the ground and the buildings are discussed using the structure damage data in Meinong Earthquake. The study figures out that most damaging structures are located at the ground whose predominant period are close to the structural one. Therefore, during the structure design, engineers must avoid the occurrence of resonant damage during an earthquake in the future.


microtremor SPT earthquake damage predominant period


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