  • 期刊

從Gambia v. Myanmar於ICJ之控訴談起-翁山蘇姬的兩難與緬甸政治局勢之現實

Dilemma of Aung San Suu Kyi and the Political Reality of Myanmar from the Perspective of the Gambia V. Myanmar in the International count of Justice


本文以Gambia v. Myanmar於ICJ之控訴為出發點,探討羅興亞爭議在緬甸難以解決的原因及翁山蘇姬的兩難,雖然人權議題確實是國際社會關注的焦點,但對於緬甸而言,在考量歷史、政治、宗教等因素後,也能理解翁山蘇姬替政府辯駁的行為,確實其來有自且屬必要的舉措。


From the perspective of the Gambia v. Myanmar in the International Court of Justice, this paper discusses the causes to the difficulties in resolving the Rohingya conflict in Myanmar and the dilemma facing Aung San Suu Kyi. Although human rights have been a critical issue to the international society, according to the historical, political, and religious backgrounds on Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi's argument for the government is backed by valid reasons and is a necessary step.


Rohingya Aung San Suu Kyi Myanmar Genocide Ethnic cleansing


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