  • 期刊


Application of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images in Analyzing Land Cover Change along Yilan Coast




Satellite images are capable of rapidly collecting data about large-scale earth surface, and multitemporal remote sensing images can provide forceful information for analyzing land cover changes over time. This study used three SPOT-5 images acquired between 2003 and 2009 to investigate the trend of land cover change in the coastal zone of Yilan. First, supervised classification method was used to classify the images into 5 land cover types, including water body, built-up areas, sandy area, cropland, and forest land. Based on the classification results, the land cover changes among these three periods was compared. Secondly, by referring to previous studies on Yilan coastal changes, this study selected several natural and human factors that are likely to affect coastal changes to build a logistic regression model for representing land cover change between 2003 and 2006. The model was then used to evaluate spatial distributions of various land cover types. Finally, the classification results of 2009 image was used to validate predictions from the logit model. The results indicate that overall accuracy of the prediction was above 80%.


