  • 期刊


Analyzing the Deconstruction and Re-shaping of a School-based Curriculum of an Elementary School from a Micro-political Point of View


本研究主要目的是從微觀政治的觀點,以一所小學校本課程的「老街.廟」發展內涵為研究焦點,探討國小校長、行政人員和教師三方利害關係人對於學 校特色課程解構與重塑歷程,進行三方權力運作型態的探討。為了深入探究個案學校推動特色課程發展之微觀政治現象,本研究係採取質性研究法,藉由深度訪談和參與觀察的資料蒐集方式,經由對資料的分析與討論、探索反省與啟示。研究結論顯示:(一)組織利益與自我利益有所競逐,組織成員應正確解讀組織變革情境,追求更佳效能與利益。(二)專業利益和生涯利益失衡,個人生涯利益被視為是生活的一部份,常與專業利益發生衝突。(三)績效主義與專業主義的拉鋸態勢,績效責任與專業提昇關係密切,須與教師專業配合連結。(四)專業主義與科層主義的對壘,科層體制的性質促使學校成員間形成階級體系的關係。 根據前述的研究結論,研究者最後提出幾點建議,以供學校領導及未來進一步研究之參考。


The main purpose of this study is to discuss the process of destruction and construction of characteristic course conducted by the elementary school principal, administrators and school teachers and the pattern of powers that developed within this process from the micro-political point of view. It takes the development of a school-based curriculum, "Old Street, Temple," as the focus of its research. In order to explore deeply the micro-politics exercised in the characteristic course of the school curriculum, this study takes qualitative research methods, such as in-depth interviews and participant observation, to collect data and then analyze and reflect on them for further implications. Its result are as follows, 1.There has been certain tension between the interests of organization and the individual interests. Members of an organization should understand properly the organizational change situations properly and pursue a better performance of organization and its interests. 2.Professional interests and career interests often conflict with each other. Personal career interests are often seen as merely a part of life and tends to contest with professional interests. 3.Performancism struggles with professionalism. Accountability is highly relevant to the promotion of professional performance and should be connected to teacher's professionalism. 4.The opposition between bureaucracy and professionalism. The features of bureaucracy lead to the hierarchical system of the school members. Finally, based on the aforementioned observation, this study will make suggestions to the principals and the further study.


