

As Hakka people are working hard to preserve traditional Hakka culture, Hakka music is getting more popular, too. One of the reasons is that the Hakka Commission tries its best to promote Hakka music. The other reason is that more and more musicians are interested in playing Hakka musical instruments. For instance, playing the Hakka Banhu seems to pose little difficulty to young people. However, older people may have difficulty reading the music book, not to mention playing the Banhu. The traditional paper-pencil music instruction method, according to the researcher, has its disadvantages. For example, when learners practice independently, they have difficulty following tone precisely. This paper proposes digitalized instructional method. Such a method is easy for students to follow in class. It is also an effective method for self-learning. This study, which programs a 20-hour instruction, aims at older beginners of Hakka music. It also contains instructional material and method. A practically built digital vocal system is completed and verified.
