  • 期刊


Sports Industry R & D-Take the Track Player Movement and Physiological Monitoring Device Equipment as Example




球員 移動 軌跡


For the current trend, the purpose of this study is technical moves and physical exercise to understand the training-cum-footballer auxiliary data collection systems, from the past to see the last few years, the industry's monitoring technology, whether wired or wireless are already quite mature, but the actual training for football is really quite scarce, many schools of education and training in the use of the unit on or in the traditional way based training and analysis, can really give the trainees understand the significance of the training and technology, it is limited , the feeling is that they use less visible, guidance, and take root in the good intentions of technical education will lose the original meaning, but football is still assisted training systems mainly foreign goods, domestic football athletic tactical simulation auxiliary with the development is still only at the stage of research, the lack of indigenous values and autonomy, and we are also enhancing diversity in the field of technology, there is a very large space for improvement and progress.


player mobile Locus
