  • 期刊


The Exploration of Xun Kuang's "Discussion of Heaven"


關於荀子的思想,學界有著不同的認知與評價。有些學者認為,相形於孔、孟,荀子的思想顯現出一定程度的限制,甚且主張,無論在德性或知性方面,荀子思想「都不能達至極高明之境」。然而另一方面,部分學者則認為,荀子「天論」思想所表現之「科學精神」,可用以建立一套客觀知識,以對應於西方之自然科學,甚至主張其勝過孔、孟、老,而「有助於中國科學的復興」。 評判上述正反兩面的議論,關鍵處仍在於正確理解荀子「天論」。本文擬由荀子「天」的義涵、天人之分、「不求知天」與「知天」、天生人成等概念之分析著手。藉著觀念的澄清,進而釐清荀子思想在中國文化中的獨特地位。 關於荀子「天」之特質,基本上可以「物質性」界義,故本質上相異於孟子道德性之「天」。後人如依自我思想傾向而區分孟、荀之高下或融合孟、荀,其實均涉及另一層問題。此外,相較於道家屬於形上、精神層面之自然之天,荀子所揭示之物質之天,在先秦思想中實為獨到見解。 荀子思路雖富理智色彩,但其思想本質並非科學的、實用的、功利的。荀子由天談起,目的乃歸重禮義道統、聖人君子,其基本立場為純粹之人文、人道主義論,是以循其思想無從建立科學知識。 荀子「天論」,否定天對於人世的影響,諭人承擔人間責任,點明天生萬物而人成世界。先秦思想體系中,孔、孟、老、莊、墨之「天」皆富有形上根源意義,獨以荀子之「天」為一物質性存在,此其「天論」特殊之處。剝離了「人」與「天」之關聯,挺現「人」之獨立價值,此為荀子「天論」思想最積極意涵。


荀子 天論 知天 天人之分 天生人成


In regard to Xun Kuang's thought, the academic circles have different understanding and valuation. Some scholars thought that comparing to Confucius and Mencius, Xun Kuang's thought manifest itself limits. They even advocated Xun Kuang's thought couldn't be the brilliant degree no matter in morals or knowledge. But in the other side, some scholars thought that Xun Kuang's ”Discussion of Heaven” expresses the scientific spirit and could establish objective knowledge. They even advocated Xun Kuang's thought is better than Confucius, Mencius and Lao Zi and helpful to revival Chinese's science. This paper tries to analysis Xun Kuang's thought including the meaning of heaven, the distinction of heaven and mankind, to know and not to know heaven, heaven bear all things on earth but human form the world. The key point is to know Xun Kuang,s ”Discussion of Heaven”, so that to make sure the special position of his thought. The essence of Xun Kuang's heaven is material mainly. It differs to Mencius's moral heaven. Besides, it differs to Lao Zi's spirit and nature heaven. The material heaven of Xun Kuang is the unique opinion in the Zhou Dynasty. The basic thought of Xuz Kuang is not scientific or practical. Humanitarianism is his basic stand, so there's no way to establish scientific knowledge. Xun Kuang's thought negates the influence from heaven to this world. It tells us to undertake our duties. It points out that heaven bear all things on earth but human form the world. The meanings of heaven of Confucius, Mencius, Lao Zi, Zhuang Zhou, Mo Di are all metaphysics, but Xun Kuang's is material only. Peeling the relevance of heaven to mankind, standing upright the value of mankind, that's the most positive meaning of Xun Kuang's ”Discussion of Heaven”.

