  • 期刊


Digital Platforms and Chinese Dialect Studies




This article uses the CCR database to research the sound and meaning of the character du 肚in various Chinese dialects. It proposes the following points. First, 肚was generated from the character 都in the Han dynasty to denote the human stomach. It could be read *t- or *d- in different dialects. In the Fuzhou 福州and Meixian 梅縣type dialects it was read *t-, while in the Beijing 北京 and Guangzhou 廣州types it was read *d-. Second, the meaning of 肚was extended to refer to animal stomachs after the Han dynasty. In the process of this semantic extension, the Guangzhou and Meixian types kept the original sound, but the Beijing type changed its initial sound from *d- to*t-, and the Fuzhou type changed it from*t- to *d-. In addition, both the Beijing and Fuzhou types distinguished human stomachs from animal stomachs. Third, in the Guangzhou and Meixian types, dialect contact caused the change in sound. Fourth, in the Beijing and Fuzhou types, the distinction between human and animal stomachs got mixed up in some dialects. Fifth, the above points reflect the diversified and multilayered nature of sound and meaning in the character 肚in Chinese dialects.


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